Outstation Taxi service in Jaipur

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Outstation Taxi Fare in Jaipur

(Taxi Charges in Jaipur)

Assuming you need to know current Taxi Fare in Jaipur? Find beneath the Local Cabs charges just as Outstation Cab Charges in Jaipur. Presently a wide range of Taxi Cab administrations are Open in Jaipur as Lockdown is over at this point.

Check our Outstation Taxi Rates in Jaipur on our site. We guarantee you for the best quality with Affordable Taxi Rates from Jaipur to different States in India. On the off chance that you have any questions around One way and Round Trip Taxi Charges for Outstation, we suggest utilizing the Taxi Fare Calculator. It's exceptionally simple to utilize and Convenient to discover Approx Taxi Charges with different costs.

Outstation Taxi Chargers
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Chandel Cabs Car Rental service Cab offers Outstation Taxis, Airport Move, Car Rentals, and Local Taxis at Hourly Bundles



| Rs.11 PER KM

Driver Allowance 300 Per Day

Toll Tax, State tax & Parking Extra

Maruti Suzuki Ciaz


| Rs.13 PER KM

Driver Allowance 300 Per Day

Toll Tax, State tax & Parking Extra

Maruti Suzuki Ertiga


| Rs.14 PER KM

Driver Allowance 300 Per Day

Toll Tax, State tax & Parking Extra

Honda City


| Rs.15 PER KM

Driver Allowance 300 Per Day

Toll Tax, State tax & Parking Extra

Maruti Suzuki Brezza


| Rs.15 PER KM

Driver Allowance 300 Per Day

Toll Tax, State tax & Parking Extra

Innova Crysta


| Rs.20 PER KM

Driver Allowance 300 Per Day

Toll Tax, State tax & Parking Extra

Toyota Fortuner Legender


| Rs.40 PER KM

Driver Allowance 300 Per Day

Toll Tax, State tax & Parking Extra

Tempo Traveller


| Rs.25 PER KM

Driver Allowance 500 Per Day

Toll Tax, State tax & Parking Extra

Tempo Traveller


| Rs.27 PER KM

Driver Allowance 500 Per Day

Toll Tax, State tax & Parking Extra

Tempo Traveller


| Rs.30 PER KM

Driver Allowance 500 Per Day

Toll Tax, State tax & Parking Extra

Tempo Traveller


| Rs.32 PER KM

Driver Allowance 500 Per Day

Toll Tax, State tax & Parking Extra

Tempo Traveller


| Rs.35 PER KM

Driver Allowance 500 Per Day

Toll Tax, State tax & Parking Extra

  • Taxi Rates are per Kilometer basis.
  • Minimum 250 KM's per Day will be applicable for Outstation Travel.
  • Driver Charges will be Min Rs.300 per Day.
  • Any Toll, State-Tax, Parking Charges will be extra as per actual receipts.
  • For OLA and Uber Fares, please visit their respective websites.
  • Rates can be changed without any prior notice due to any unavoidable reason like fuel price hike etc.

We Request you to please do not negotiate on Price, Our charges are fixed.

Local Taxi Charges Jaipur (Full Day)

Generally, there are many different types of Packages for Local Taxi Full Day Taxi hire, apart from per KM Charges like Outstation. Its Depends on the Taxi Service provider and the Clients Requirement.If you are hiring a Taxi for Full Day, you don't need to pay any waiting charges as kilometers and time already cleared in the package.

You can find Three Type of Packages for Local Taxi in Jaipur:-

  • All Cabs are with AC, We do not provide Non-AC Cabs.
  • Taxi Rates are per Kilometer basis.
  • Minimum average 250 KM/Day will be applicable for Outstation Travel.
  • Driver Rs.300/Day and Night Charges will be Extra Rs.200
    (if he Drives between 11:00 PM to 05:00 AM).
  • Any Toll, State-Tax, Parking Charges will be extra as per actual receipts.
  • For OLA and Uber Fares, please visit their respective websites.
  • Rates can be changed without any prior notice due to any unavoidable reason like fuel price hike etc.

We Request you to please do not negotiate on Price, Our charges are fixed.

How to Book Taxi from Outstation Taxi?

We have very easy and hassle-free Cab Booking process and We accept Taxi Booking round the Clock. Simply Call us at +91-88263 97387 for Outstation Taxi Booking. Our Phone Numbers are available 24*7 for Cab Booking in Jaipur. Call and share your Travel Dates along with the Passengers details. Many users calling us and asking about How to book ola cab for Outstation? Please understand OLA and Uber are different Cab service providers from us.

Our Team will give you the quotes instantly with multiple Cab options to choose. Contact us for Outstation Cab Booking right away and get the Booking Confirmation instantly.

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